Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

My first Impression Of Stargirl.

My First Impressions of Star girl.

Well the first time when I saw Star girl, I think she was like a mystery and unique. she is so different; who wears long dresses to school? At lunch she sings with her ukulele, and she sings and sings. It’s really awkward. When she is wearing the dress, she looks like a ghost. Long hair, Long dress. When she talks to someone, her eyes sparkled like a diamond. The most eccentric thing that she has done is bringing a pet to school. I mean a pet is fine, but a pet RAT is not. Rats live in the dirty places. Well I’m just saying. Her rat stands on her shoulder, the rat is always jumping and moving, as if it was standing on hot coals or something. Me and my friends think that her rat looks like a snake that keeps crawling around her neck. When I walked pass by her, she smelled like a vanilla, roses that attract bees. I can tell you she is eccentric, play ukulele in lunch, wearing like a wedding gown to school, bringing pet to school?! That is just not normal. Kevin and I are thinking to put her in the hot seat. Hot seat is some kind of program that we make in school, we choose a student for us to interview. The program is for having fun; sometimes we embarrass the students but not embarrassments that are going to hurt their feeling. After I took a notice of her, I realized that she has a little freckles on her nose. I guess star girl's life is full of mystery and differences. She has different looks and clothes than us.

No one ever expected a girl like her is exists or something. After that I'm really curious about her, why is she going to school like this? Where is she from? What is her name? How old is she? Which grade is she from? My friend said that she is from the senior class like grade 10 maybe? Then so the next day I planned to follow her. When I was following her also known as stalking her, after school I was like am I suppose to do this? Does she know that someone following her? I saw she gave presents to random houses, is she supposes to do that? I mean does she know who live in the house? Relative perhaps? I kept following her until night; she hasn’t turn and goes home. What is she doing?!

Anyway, I was thinking maybe I should just let it go and go home but inside me it keeps telling me to discover what she is doing. And so I keep following, it's getting cold out here and I can hear the wind going around me, It’s like I can hear them whistling. It’s getting really dark and so my parents will be panic. I should go home, now...

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